If a test is failed by 40% or more, the gamesmaster may feed the player false or misleading information. Each successful test yields one piece of information about the item and the character may continue until a test is failed. The gamesmaster should secretly make one WP test per turn for the player. The character must hold the item and may do nothing else while concentrating on it. Obviously, when a group of characters discovers a magic item, the first thing they will want to know is what it does! A character with the Magical Sense skill will be able to tell whether or not a particular item is enchanted and may be able to find out something about its abilities. Imagine, for instance, a suit of magical armour that actually reduces a character's armour points and which cannot be removed without some powerful enchantments. Occasional one-offs can be interesting, especially variations on 'standard' items, which don't do quite what the players expect. Try to keep balance in your games and don't include many very powerful magic items - unless you want invincible super-characters running around. New magic items are perhaps the easiest of things to invent. The possibilities in this field are limitless, and you may want to design magic items of your own. The magic items covered here are no more than a sample.